

Women's Advocate Valeisha Butterfield-Jones career journey has taken her from Russell Simmons' House to President Obama's House. Check out "Who Does She Think She IS?!" feature in Sister 2 Sister magazine's September 2014 issue to find out where she's headed next.

Also, find out Hip Hop 4 Life Founder Tamekia Flowers Holland juggles two companies for a common goal in "Office With a View."

She couldn't find a nail polish she could trust not to harm her unborn child, so Kitiya Mischo King of Mischo Beauty created her own toxin free nail lacquers. Check out her story in "Who Does She Think She IS?!" in the October 2014 issue of Sister 2 Sister magazine.

Also, find out the role Leslie Green plays in getting shows like ABC's Scandal, Netflix's House of Cards and Lee Daniels' The Butler to film in the streets of Washington, D.C. in "Office With a View."